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7 Mobile Business Intelligence best practices (Part Two)

If you’re an avid reader of this blog – and why wouldn’t you be! – you’ve no doubt devoured the first half of this post. But, just in case you had some sort of impending emergency to deal with and missed it, here it is – 7 Mobile Business Intelligence best practices (Part One).

Now, as we were saying, Mobile Business Intelligence (BI) platforms that embrace Mobile BI best practices offer:

4. Complete device independence

Don’t sacrifice interactivity, user experience and depth of functionality for the sake of remote data access – true Mobile BI is not a compromise. Mobile BI platforms that abide by best practices allow users to run and access all their real-time reporting and analytics capabilities straight for their mobile device. Why would you invest in a mobile analytics platform that couldn’t?

a. The ability to filter and drill information
Users can’t spend hours searching for the right information – especially when on the move or in the midst of an important meeting. Instead, users must be able to apply filters to sort reports for the data they need – depending on purpose, time and even location – to answer pressing questions fast. Once the right data has been isolated, users should be able to quickly drill down or through that data to obtain deep insight, and uncover detailed facts. Whether BI be consumed via a desktop PC, smartphone or tablet, users must be empowered to help themselves learn more.

5. Offline mode

Why should you have to stop working just because the Wifi in the departure lounge does? Mobile BI solutions that follow best practices deliver people the ability to access enterprise data offline.

6. Robust security

Top Mobile BI providers ensure that data access is as secure from a desktop as it is a smartphone or tablet PC. BI administrators should be able to guard their corporate data assets with a comprehensive multi-tiered security system. That system should include password protection, user authentication and segmentation processes. Particular user groups should be allowed to access different reports – and various sub-sets of data within those reports – based on their job function.

7. Proactive alerts

The inherent value of Mobile BI rests upon its ability to keep relevant stakeholders abreast of hot trends and new developments. However, if something requires action, the appropriate people need to know as soon as reasonably possible – they must be notified. Users can’t rely on their ability to fortuitously stumble upon essential information. User must be able to set and receive proactive alerts from their mobile device to remain informed about changing circumstances.