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Collaborative Business Intelligence boosts productivity: Aberdeen

The Aberdeen Group’s most recent report on Collaborative Business Intelligence (BI) – Collaborative BI: Harnessing the Extended Enterprise to Boost Productivity – claims Collaborative BI deployments have the ability to improve productivity and visibility across the breadth of organizational operations via enhanced knowledge sharing.

Definition of Collaborative Business Intelligence

The report defines Collaborative BI as “the merging of Business Intelligence (BI) and analytical capability, with the tools and methods used by organizations to collaborate, share knowledge, and swap perspective on the analysis of business information.”

This definition fits comfortably with Yellowfin’s interpretation of the term: “Social and Collaborative Business Intelligence (BI), a type of collaborative decision-making (CDM) software, harnesses the functions and philosophies of social networking and Web 2.0 technologies, applying them to reporting and analytics at the enterprise level to facilitate better and faster fact-based decision-making.”

The research report divides respondent organizations into three categories based on the maturity of their Collaborative BI rollouts:

The Best-in-Class are distinguished from Industry Average and Laggard companies, regarding their use of Collaborative BI, by four main performance criteria:

Business drivers for Collaborative Business Intelligence

The report identifies three underpinning factors that are driving demand for Collaborative BI within the enterprise:

  1. The increased demand for real-time information, in conjunction with the rapid expansion of corporate data assets, means that organizations are searching for faster methods to share and derive actionable meaning from reporting and analytics
  2. Increasingly dispersed workforces have heightened the need for, and benefit of, fast information sharing and collaborative decision-making
  3. The need to provide context to actionable information to underpin accurate fact-based decision-making

Characteristics of Best-in-Class organizations

The Aberdeen report explains that the more people participating within a collaborative framework, including those designed for the sharing of BI content, the more value will be derived from that collaborative environment: “The more business perspective(s) (that) are represented the more each participant stands to benefit”. Aberdeen said that Best-in-Class organizations not only shared more information with more departments, but also incorporated a more diverse cross section of departments, including external stakeholders.

The report considers the sharing of business knowledge with external stakeholders as the most mature stage of an organizations’ Collaborative BI framework, revealing that only 22% of Best-in-Class organizations conducted no external BI Collaboration, compared to 36% of Industry Average companies, and 69% of Laggards.

Benefits of Collaborative Business Intelligence implementations

The report identified several significant benefits of Collaborative BI, including:

Where to next? Collaborative and pervasive Business Intelligence linked

The report concludes by suggesting that the more mature an organizations’ Collaborative BI framework, the greater the level of enterprise visibility that can be achieved. It also suggests that successful collaborative decision-making environments are inextricably linked to widespread, cross-departmental user adoption.

To generate a more mature collaborative decision-making structure, regarding BI content, the report recommends that organizations:

The 12 page Aberdeen Group report – Collaborative BI: Harnessing the Extended Enterprise to Boost Productivity – can be downloaded here.