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Embedded Business Intelligence Top 10 Issues

We recently came across this list of top 10 biggest issues with BI vendors and we could not agree more. This list is a set of grievances from independent software vendors, who wish to embed a BI solution into their application, that have had a poor experience with some of the other vendors in the industry.
At Yellowfin we think we are pretty good and working with our ISV partners so I thought we would take this list and provide the Yellowfin response.

1. Integration with 3rd party technologies *
Yellowfin has a range of API’s and web services to expose both administration and reporting functionality to 3rd party applications. Heck we even use these ourselves for our iPhone app. Our goal is to provide software vendors with seamless integration of our BI functionality into their applications. We are not even precious about our brand – no need for logos and the like. Yellowfin is a white label solution.

* Integration may refer to front-end or back-end technologies/applications or both

2. Time to resolve technical support problems
With the OEM segment a critical part of our business we understand how important great support is to you. Yellowfin has a very strong focus on service as part of our partnering model. We do everything we can to be part of your extended support organization. We will not leave you hanging when your customer requires assistance.

3. Contractual terms and conditions
Doing business together has got to be easy right? Well we make it that way. Simple contracts, no up front fees and no intrusive Trojan horse deals – that’s the way we do business. We want a long-term mutually beneficial relationship – and this starts with our terms and conditions. Generally we do not start making money till you start making money. It all about aligning our shared goals.

4. Online forums and documentation

One thing we do for you is provide lots of documentation – oh and also in word format so you can rebrand it as your own. Once signed up you have access to our portal which contains a forum, documentation, tutorials and marketing and sales assistance.

5. Upgrade/migration to new versions
One of the things we learnt really early on is that if we make it super easy for you to upgrade we got less support calls. Lets say we like it that way. Our installers let you migrate and version of Yellowfin from 3.3 onwards with a click of a button. We do all the hard work for you and make it easy for you to migrate to the latest and greatest version so that you can delight your customers.

6. Follow up after the sale
We are not about the once of deal but more about the long-term relationship. So once we get the ball going we will have an account manager to work with you for the years of our relationship. Improving the profitability of that relationship for both us.

7. Customization and Extensibility
Did I mention you could white label Yellowfin? Well you can use a variety of custom functions to extend the functionality of Yellowfin for your clients. While we hope that you won’t have to (our goal is to give you all the functionality you need so that you do less work right!) there is a ton of things you can do if you have the desire to do so.

8. Vendor consulting value
Our goal in working with you is to get you to market quickly. We are not a services organization. So we want to provide you with just the right amount of support and consulting to get your deployment up and running. What does this mean? Well the best advice quickly – we are not here to milk the deal.

9. Sales understanding business/needs
We have worked with many ISV partners and we think we are getting pretty good at it. As such we have an approach to doing business with you that ensures your success. We know what you want – a world class BI module that makes you money. Well with that in mind we work with you to achieve those goals.

10. Continuity of support personnel
Nothing worse then having to explain the same problems over and over again, especially to the new guy on the block. Our tech team has been around for a while and they are very adept and getting to the heart of your issues quickly.

So if you are thinking about embedding a BI solution into your application then try out Yellowfin and test some of the points above. You will not be disappointed.
Check out our embedded Business Intelligence section of our site and our embedded Business Intelligence white paper.