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Infographic helps explain why you need Business Intelligence

Do you sometimes feel like you’re drowning in information – much of it relevant? Does your workplace performance suffer because it’s hard to find the data you really need?

Well, you’re definitely not alone.

The below Mindjet infographic shows that many US workers are suffering from a severe case of information overload – especially since the economic downturn.

In a time when fewer people are expected to sift through proliferating amounts of information and produce superior results, manually monitoring your business just isn’t an option. You need the right information at your fingertips.

And here comes the gratuitous plug…

Business Intelligence (BI) pulls corporate data together to form a single unified source of truth – spend less time straining through mountains of irrelevant facts, and more time acting on the pertinent details.

BI empowers you to:

So, if the information deluge detailed below feels all too familiar, then maybe it’s time to contact Yellowfin and ask for our proven roadmap to assist you to successfully deploy world-class BI into your organization:  //