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The benefits of Business Intelligence in the cloud (Part 2)

Nothing stays the same forever. Especially when technology is involved.

As radically as The Beatles and Madonna changed the music scene, the advent of the internet changed the music business more.

Now, the considerable benefits of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) delivered via the internet, are in the process of reshaping the Business Intelligence (BI) landscape, and those involved in the BI industry must be prepared to dance to this new tune, or be left behind.

Yesterday in our blog – “Business Intelligence in Cloud” – we outlined the basic concepts of Cloud Computing and BI as a SaaS application. But, you want more than explanation; you need motivation and reason to seriously consider BI as a SaaS deployment. So, let’s take a look at the benefits of using BI as a SaaS solution.

Benefits of BI as a SaaS application

Utilizing SaaS solutions are an effective way to minimize costs and maximize performance. But, there are many noteworthy benefits of Clouding BI and using a BI reporting and analytics tool as a SaaS application:

BI and SaaS: Where to next?

You’ll hear more from us soon regarding Clouding BI, including the potential issues surrounding SaaS deployment (and why choosing the right BI vendor can help), and how increased marketplace competitiveness regarding SaaS make it an unquestionable buyers market. Now is the time to consider BI as a SaaS application.

Also, you can contact Yellowfin at and ask for our proven roadmap to find out more about successfully using Yellowfin as a SaaS application.