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Data Storytelling Gallery
Compelling stories combining analysis with narrative to deliver richer insights
With great power comes great merchandising opportunity: Celebrity Partnerships and Liquor Sales
Yellowfin Story
Typography: Story text can be arranged in different ways — section headings, bold, italic text, hyperlinks and quotes — providing structure and legibility to the reader. For hyperlinks, clicking on them will open the target page in a new browser tab.
Images and Videos: You can upload high-quality images and animations directly into Yellowfin and use them within your Stories. Images can be resized to three orientations: original, fit size and wide. Online videos can also be embedded via youtube-style embed links.
Reports and Visualizations: You can embed interactive reports and visualizations — both live and static snapshots — within your Stories and allow readers to get into the numbers behind your commentary. Hover your cursor over the filter icon to understand how they are being filtered.
Report Annotations: Annotations added on your reports can be re-used to great effect here. In the chart showing units sold over time, hover over the annotation on the line chart to view commentary on significant events.
Read By and Claps: Ever wonder if people read your stories and what they think of them? Don’t fret — the Read By and Clap counters offer insights to how much your stories are resonating with your audience. Note: as you are viewing this as a guest, the Clap counter has been switched off.
Editors and Collaborators: You can invite multiple colleagues to work on a Story with you. A Story’s author, editors, and collaborators can be seen at the bottom of the page.