Yellowfin 9.2 Release Notes

Providing major innovations on new embedded BI and analytical app development capabilities, v9.2 solidifies Yellowfin as the platform for analytical application development.   


"The 9.2 release raises the bar again – developers now have the full range of tools at their disposal to create compelling embedded analytics experiences for their customers with minimum amount of effort and coding.”

- Brad Scarff, CTO of Yellowfin in the 9.2 press release

Yellowfin 9.2 delivers new enhancements in three key areas:


Plus a whole lot more including upgrades to Dashboards and Present capabilities and many other enhancements that improve the user experience. 

Download the Yellowfin 9.2 release notes:

Yellowfin Signals Illustration

Learn more about Yellowfin 9

See everythings that's new and learn how Yellowfin 9 provides you with unique ways to engage with and act on your data.