Ready for Disruption:

Data Monetization

Many businesses are spending so much time and money trying to store and manage their data that they’re missing out on the insights and revenue that data contains.

It’s no surprise that a growing number of organisations are exploring the idea of data monetization to fix this issue. With the right approach, the concept is proving to be a powerful transformative force for companies across industries.

In a recent report ‘Ready for Disruption: Data Monetization’, sponsored by Yellowfin, IAPA highlights the most effective combination of planning, skills, platforms, tools, and advice that can be used for a successful monetization strategy.

Read this paper to uncover:

  • The skills and tools needed to unlock the benefits of the data you produce
  • The potential rewards and the competitive advantages that can be experienced
  • Case studies confirming the tangible benefits of data monetization

Take the first step to data monetization and download the paper now

About the Institute of Analytics Professionals of Australia (IAPA)

IAPA is committed to aiding executive understanding of analytics’ role in business transformation and data-driven decision making; as well as developing recognition of analytics professionals in the wider business community. This includes establishing standards of practice, excellence, accreditation and education. IAPA also assists and supports organisations to find and retain staff, build high-performance teams, develop staff skills and enhance the perception of key analytics roles within the C-suite. Find out more at: