What’s new in Yellowfin 9.9

See how Yellowfin 9.9 provides business users with unique ways to engage with and act on their data, and addresses the needs of data analysts and developers who want to build and deploy amazing analytical experiences.

New Feature Highlights

A simple way for anyone to ask the
hard questions

How do business leaders foster a data-driven culture to help drive decision-making? That’s a good question, and Yellowfin Guided NLQ (Natural Language Query) is the right answer.

Know what, when and why — wherever you are

Experience your Yellowfin Reports alongside Signals and Stories on the mobile app with all-new interactions, delivered through a simple timeline interface curated for mobile.

Govern your data models effortlessly

Manage every performance, security, and automation setting for your data models in one place with new navigation menus.

Yellowfin 9.9 Overview

Check out the latest enhancements and see them in action.

Guided NLQ

A simple way for anyone to ask
the hard questions

New Advanced

Transform results with
predefined calculations

Enhanced Append
Data in SubQueries

Data federation just got easier

New Variance
Analysis Type

More options for variance calculations

Non-Auto Chart Improvements

Do more with your charts

Enhanced Waterfall Chart

New options for your waterfall charts

Guided NLQ in Stories

Ask questions directly within Stories

Report Access Improvements in Stories

Jump into any analysis in data storytelling

Guided NLQ on Dashboards and Presentations

Ask questions on the data
you’re looking at

Save to PDF

Improved PDF rendering for Presentations

Improved View
Builder Access

Prepare your data faster

Enhanced JWT Authentication

Applying cryptography best practice

Enhanced REST API

Tailor your report consumption experience

Yellowfin Mobile App Improvements

Every report and chart in your pocket

Support for
ClickHouse DBMS

Analyze more data

Configuration Tool

Deploying applications just got easier

Dynamic Entry
Options for SSO

More control over every unique
user session

Silent Installer

New options for automated deployments

Support for Amazon
Simple Email Service

Send email securely, globally,
and at scale

Custom Templates for Broadcast Filenames

Comply with the most stringent naming conventions

Enhanced JS API

Create your embedded

In more detail...

Guided NLQ

We have re-imagined what it truly means to be self-service in analytics. With Guided NLQ (Natural Language Query), anyone — guided with thousands of comprehensively modelled question types and sequences — can ask complex questions of their data with natural language queries. Answers, automatically delivered as best practice visualizations and tabular reports for every possible question combination, can be added into any Yellowfin content. Guided NLQ is also integrated throughout the Yellowfin platform and embeddable in any application.

New Advanced Functions

Yellowfin provides out-of-the-box advanced functions that you can utilize within your reports and charts to transform results, applying post processing calculations to initial query results. In this release, over ten additional functions have been added — automating calculations for outliers, stepped regression, growth and differences, percentage of segment, and more.

Enhanced Append Data in SubQueries

Basic and Advanced Append SubQueries on the same data source have been enhanced to allow subquery joins on fields that are not part of the final report. This removes unwanted fields from the report while simultaneously applying aggregation for the ones that matter, providing increased flexibility around multi-fact joins and federated analysis.

New Variance Analysis Type

A new variance analysis type, Simple Percentage, has been introduced to the current list of variance calculations. The user interface for variance calculations in Set Analysis has also been streamlined for better readability.

Non-Auto Chart Improvements

Average, Accumulation and Trend chart functions have been enabled for more non-Auto Area, Bar and Column charts.

Enhanced Waterfall Chart

Waterfall charts now support dynamic start columns, indicating the starting position. Improvements include configurable column titles for both start and end columns, and custom colours.

Guided NLQ in Stories

Stories have been enhanced with Guided Natural Language Query integration, enabling you to perform natural language queries when authoring a Story and embedding the output into the Story seamlessly.

Report Access Improvements in Stories

Stories have been enhanced with a new Open Report workflow. This enables you to easily access any Report within published Stories and return to it with a single click.

Guided NLQ on Dashboards and Presentations

Dashboard Widgets have been enhanced with a new Click Event, Ask a Question. This enables consumers to go from seeing dashboard and presentation data to asking their next question by clicking on widgets, including action buttons, and engaging Guided Natural Language Query directly.

Save to PDF Improvements

Save to PDF for Presentations has been improved. Slide content is now properly centred with uniform padding on each page.

Improved View Builder Access

The View Builder has been enhanced with a new navigation menu, providing a streamlined data preparation experience for performance, security and automation configuration. Additional enhancements include the ability to access these new View menus directly from the Browse Page.

Enhanced JWT Authentication

JWT authentication now provides wider support for public and private key algorithms including RSA and ECDSA algorithms.

Enhanced REST API

The REST API library has been enhanced with new endpoints for report activities including report listing, sharing, favouriting, creating and displaying report comments, and report metadata. This provides developers a higher degree of control over embedded report activities in their applications.

Yellowfin Mobile App Improvements

Both tabular and multi-chart canvas reports are now supported in the Mobile App. Additional enhancements include new drill and filter interactions, report search and sharing interfaces, and direct access to reports from the Mobile App’s Timeline.

Support for ClickHouse DBMS

ClickHouse database connections are now supported within the Yellowfin platform. This enhancement enables you to analyze ClickHouse data in Yellowfin.

Command-line Configuration Tool

A new standalone Yellowfin configuration tool is now available for DevOps. This enables you to write and update configuration items in the Yellowfin database via command-line. Additional enhancements include the support for OS environment variables, making it easy to pass parameters from Docker containers.

Dynamic Entry Options for SSO

Single Sign On (SSO) for both JWT and SAML authentication has been enhanced to support dynamic session entry options. This enables you to configure session parameters that are passed to any user’s SSO session, influencing dynamic entry locations, access filters, and more.

Silent Installer Improvements

The silent installer method for deploying Yellowfin has been enhanced with new options including MySQLDisableSSL, DatabaseConnectionString and AdminDatabaseConnectionString parameters. This enables you to programmatically deploy the Yellowfin repository database more efficiently for large scale, automated and distributed deployments.

Support for Amazon Simple Email Service

Besides SMTP protocols, you can now utilize Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) for all sharing and broadcasting activities in Yellowfin.

Custom Templates for Broadcast Filenames

You can now apply custom broadcast filename templates for all Email, FTP and Save To Disk broadcasts. Improvements include support for parameters and custom delimiters around datetime formats.

Enhanced JS API

The JavaScript API library has been enhanced to allow a larger subset of functions to be called directly within Code Mode in the Yellowfin platform. Improvements also include new external APIs for embedding Guided NLQ, namespaces for events on API objects, loading status indicators for Yellowfin content, and the ability to configure toolbar visibility in Drill Through reports.

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