Business Intelligence vendor Yellowfin to host best practice dashboards Webinar

Global Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics software vendor, Yellowfin, is set to host a Webinar series on best practices for creating and delivering BI dashboards.

The educational Webinar series – Best practices for BI dashboards – will be repeated three times across each major time-zone between Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th August 2016.

For details, and to register to attend a session, GO HERE >

Dashboards are the primary mechanism for communicating KPIs and the visual insights derived from a Business Intelligence implementation to users,” said Yellowfin Global Director of Marketing, Daniel Shaw-Dennis. “However, to ensure the success of any reporting and analytics initiative, it’s vital that best practices for developing and delivering dashboards are followed.”

Shaw-Dennis said that Webinar attendees would learn how to:

  1. Design dashboards that provide instant insight
  2. Create dashboards that are relevant to job function and appropriate for mode of consumption
  3. Produce dashboards that relate to business strategy and prompt accurate, timely action
  4. Select appropriate visualizations that best communicate the message that selected KPIs are intended to convey
  5. Deliver the right dashboards, to the right people, at the right time, to drive faster and better fact-based decision-making

“Attend Yellowfin’s Webinar series to discover how to avoid common dashboard design pitfalls and generate the best practice dashboards that users need to make the right fact-based decisions at the right time,” said Shaw-Dennis.

Yellowfin is hosting three concise forty minute Webinars on dashboard best practices, scheduled throughout Wednesday 3rd and Thursday 4th August 2016.

Following the Webinar series, attendees will receive a copy of the presentation slides and a recording for on-demand viewing.

Register for Yellowfin’s upcoming Webinar series – Best practices for BI dashboardsHERE >

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About Yellowfin

Yellowfin is a global Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics software vendor passionate about making BI easy. Founded in 2003 in response to the complexity and costs associated with implementing and using traditional BI tools, Yellowfin is a highly intuitive 100 percent Web-based reporting and analytics solution. Yellowfin is a leader in mobile, collaborative and embedded BI, as well as Location Intelligence and data visualization.

Over 10,000 organizations, and more than 2 million end-users across 70 different countries, use Yellowfin every day. For more information, visit

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For further media information, interviews, images or product demonstration, please contact:

Lachlan James, Yellowfin Global Communications Manager on +61 (0)3 8617 4954, +61 (0)431 835 658 or