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Bulk update user groups?

We are about to add several hundred users to our platform. Most of these will be in a single User Group. Is there a way to bulk update the membership without manually searching and adding each user? Some type of insert statement within the metadata repository?
Hi Nicholas,

I took a look at the Yellowfin database and from what I can tell, it would probably be more of a headache to add users to groups via the database than using the Yellowfin UI.

This is because group membership is determined by subjectid (a user id number), not user name, so you would have to know the subjectid of each person in order to add them to the appropriate group. When you are talking about hundreds of people this could be pretty complex.

In case you are curious, the syntax would be:

insert into accessgroupmembers

Along with the following table to update the group membership tally:

insert into accessgroupflat

The accessgroupid can be found in the accessgroup table.

I'm going to do some research regarding enhancement requests for this idea, and I will let you know if I can turn anything up.

Kind Regards,


Best regards,

The Yellowfin Support Team

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Hi Again Nicholas,

I just wanted to follow up with my previous post with some feedback from our team.

There have been some recent webservices that have been created to make bulk group administration easier, so if you are interested in using web services to accomplish this, that is a possibility.

This is what our Software Architect had to say:

Yes, webservices for bulk user creation and bulk inclusion/exclusion in groups has already been written.

However, there is no way to use these via the front-end interface.

Your current options for doing this are:

- Add a Role to a group, which is one way to add thousands of people to a group quickly... assuming they all have the same role.
- Write some code to use these new webservices.
- Do something via the Yellowfin database. Select user identifiers from Person table, insert them into AccessGroupMember.

Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns regarding any of this information. Hopefully some of it is useful to you.

Kind Regards,


Best regards,

The Yellowfin Support Team

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Thanks, Dustin. The web service is probably the safest option.
I think I found a way to make the database way easy. Just need to know the date you did the insert. I'll test it out next week.

SELECT 12202
,'2015-04-03' -- today's date
INTO accessgroupmembers
FROM ipclass
WHERE startdate = '2015-04-02'; -- date of user creation

SELECT 12202, ipid
INTO accessgroupflat
FROM ipclass WHERE startdate = '2015-04-02'; -- date of user creation
Hi Nicholas,
I had the same problem and It was solved in this way:
1- You need create a special Role to this users
2- You need create import file users in csv to avoid create users mannually. This file import has the field Role.
3- Instead off add several users you need add only this Role in the Group.