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Calculated Date Field and drop the year.

I am trying to take a date field and add 3, 6, 9 months and then drop the year.

I cannot figure out how to do this in Yellow Fin. I am using the following SQL:

Select Clients.client_id As clientid, Clients.first_name As ClientFN,
Clients.last_name As Cient_LN, Clients.date12, Clients.client_status,
Clients.case_manager_emp_id, EmployeesView.first_name, EmployeesView.last_name,
dateadd(month,3,Clients.date12) AS f_qtr_rev,
dateadd(month,6,Clients.date12) AS s_qtr_rev,
dateadd(month,9,Clients.date12) AS t_qtr_rev
From Clients Left Outer Join
EmployeesView On Clients.case_manager_emp_id = EmployeesView.emp_id
Where Clients.client_status = 'Active' order by case_manager_emp_id

The output is correct but I cannot figure out how to format the new fields (f_qtr_rev, s_qtr_rev,t_qtr_rev) so the year will be dropped.

I would really appreciate any help with this.
Thank You.
Hi There,

Assuming you are using calculated fields to create f_qtr_rev, s_qtr_rev, and t_qtr_rev you could change the format of the field to drop the yyyy.

This is what I did to accomplish what I believe you are trying to achieve:

1. Create a calculated field that used the DATEADD SQL function to add 3 months to the invoiced date field:

Forum image

2. Edit the format of the 3month column:

Forum image

3. Under Display, change Date Format to Other:

Forum image

4. Change Custom Date Format to dd/MM and save:

Forum image

5. Your date should now appear without the yyyy:

Forum image

Please let me know if this is what you are looking to accomplish. We hope to hear back soon!

Kind Regards,


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The Yellowfin Support Team

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I can't seem to get the custom sql formula to add 3 months. Would you mind showing the formula you used to get the output in your print screen? Thank you so much!
Hi Again,

Here is a link to a forum post that I recently wrote covering the dateadd function. I should have included it in my previous post! Apologies!

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding it:

Current Day Plus 30 Days

For your particular calculated field you would just need to the dadeadd function to be:

dateadd('month',3,Your Date Field)

Please let me know if you have any other questions!

Kind Regards,


Best regards,

The Yellowfin Support Team

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Thank you so much for quick responses! I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but I can't get the above formula to work. Please see the print screen.
Thank you so much for quick responses! I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but I can't get the above formula to work. Please see the print screen.
These functions can be finicky. I have a couple questions:

1. Is annual_review_date considered a date (not a VARCHAR) in your database?

2. Can you try DATEADD(month,3,annual_review_date)--without the '' around month

3. If that doesn't work, could you let me know what database and version of Yellowfin you are using?

I look forward to hearing back.

Kind Regards,


Best regards,

The Yellowfin Support Team

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I have a hunch you may be using SQL server due to the error you received. Here is what I found regarding Invalid parameter 1 specified for dateadd:

Passing a different value for each parameter not expected by the DATEADD function will generate a different error message:

SELECT DATEADD('DD', 10, GETDATE()) -� DatePart Parameter in Single Quotes

Msg 1023, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
Invalid parameter 1 specified for dateadd.

SELECT DATEADD(MIN, 10, GETDATE()) -- Invalid DatePart Value

Msg 155, Level 15, State 1, Line 1
'MIN' is not a recognized dateadd option.

SELECT DATEADD(DD, 1, '2012/04/31') -- Invalid Date

Msg 242, Level 16, State 3, Line 1
The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.

Kind Regards,


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The Yellowfin Support Team

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The data type was date and I made it mandatory. Can you think of any way I can get this report done? Thank you!
Did this query work for you?

"2. Can you try DATEADD(month,3,annual_review_date)--without the single quotes around month"

Also, It would be helpful to know what database and version of Yellowfin you are using so that I can troubleshoot in your environment.

Kind Regards,


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The Yellowfin Support Team

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The timestampadd function also worked for me:

timestampadd(sql_tsi_month, 3,invoiceddate)

Forum image

Kind Regards,


Best regards,

The Yellowfin Support Team

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