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Drill through with co-display right


Today, when I use "Drill Through" I have the ability to click on a link and move me from one report to another.

However, I need display the another report on the right side (Same page, like the option "Co-Display Right" ). I can't use "Co-Display" because I must use "click" and not filters.

Has Yellowfin support such reports? How can I work it?


Hi Anderson,

Unfortunately the functionality that you are looking for in Drill Through reports to allow the pop up window to display next to
the parent report does not presently exist.

You could get what you are after by using Co-Display though. You could create your child report as a stand alone report and then add it to 'Co-Display Right'. Co-display allows you to display another report as a stand alone and you do not
need to link them, either by filter or link.

Please see the link from our Wiki, which includes a video as well. This functionality is also dependent on which version and build of YF you are currently using.

Co-Display Reports

Thank you,


Hi Kyle

Thanks for the prompt reply. I�ll think about it.

