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How to create GEO POINT data

Please note, this is an example, depending on your database, the formula may need to be slightly altered.

Yellowfin has the capability to render GIS data (points and polygons) into an image which can be overlaid with your report data. To enable GIS reporting you must have GIS data available in the databases you wish to query for reporting.

To create a GIS point from latitude/longitude fields you will need to create a calculated field at the view level, and then apply the WKT converter.

[size="14">Step 1[/size]:[size="13"> Create calculated field at view level [/size]

Use the formula below in the calculated field:
[code]'POINT(' + [color="#F21F1F">latitude[/color] + ' ' + [color="#F21F1F">longitude[/color] + ')'[/code]
Note: After the second + you will need to add a space to achieve the ' ' which is in the middle of the formula. To add a space, simply hit the spacebar and click ADD
Forum image

[size="14">Step 2[/size]:[size="13"> Apply WKT converter [/size]

After that you will need to convert it to WKT, to do this you will need to apply a field converter. For more information on this please see the wiki: GIS Map Tutorial
Steven, thanks for this post, it's really helping.

I'm having one issue following the steps.

Once I created the point using the formula you posted, the Yellowfin recognizes the field as a Double and do no allow us to convert it using the WKT. Only Java Timestamp and Numeric Division options are avaliable.

Do you know what could be happening ?

Thanks for the help!
Steve, I posted the question above.
After some tentatives I had success using the Formula :
concat('Point(',Latitude, ' ',Longitude, ')')

Maybe it's just necessary because I'm using MySql but it could help someone with the same problem.


You are correct in that this is most likely due to Mysql, as the above example was written in SQL Server.

Much appreciate the feedback, and please let us know if you run into any other issues.
