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OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

If you are encountering the error:

Error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

in the Yellowfin log files, this is to do with the amount of memory the Java VM allocates for caching class and method definitions.

You can adjust the amount of memory available in the startup batch files. Which files to modify depends on how you start Yellowfin.

Linux/Unix/Mac OS X
If you run Yellowfin on Linux/Unix/Mac OS X, the memory limits are in the startup script

Find this section:
# If you are experiencing "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space"
# errors, uncomment the following line:
# JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"

Uncomment the line above and restart Yellowfin. If you still get the error, try increasing the MaxPermSize value.

Windows Start Menu
If you run Yellowfin on Windows, and start Yellowfin from the Start Menu or by running the startup.bat batch file, the memory limits are in the file catalina.bat.

Find this section:
rem If you are experiencing "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space"
rem errors, uncomment the following line:
rem set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

Uncomment the line above and restart Yellowfin. If you still get the error, try increasing the MaxPermSize value.

Windows Service
If you run Yellowfin on Windows, and start Yellowfin as a Windows Service, you will need to modify the service startup settings.

Open a command prompt and change to the appserverbin directory under the Yellowfin installation directory. Run the command:
[code]tomcat5w.exe //ES//Yellowfin[/code]
Forum image

This will run the service manager for the Yellowfin service. Go to the "Java" tab, and modify the PermSize and MaxPermSize options in the Java Options box:

If you still get the error, try increasing the MaxPermSize value.

Incidentally, an easy way to find out what your current permgen settings are is to run the info.jsp page:


and then expand the System Properties section of the results and about 4 screens down you should see the following Startup Parameters (which includes the MaxPermSize value):

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however, if you are on a pre 7.0 version of YF then the permgen settings won't be part of the results, in which case just downlaod the attached startup_params.jsp and put it in the folder appserverwebappsROOT and run it:
