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Report security

Currently i have built for my customer report with drill-trhough which basically means that there is master report from which there is a possibility to drill into the slave report. My question is there possibility to disallow end user to run directly slave report? My wish is to allow only execution from the master report.

If no can you consider this as an enhancement for feature?

Hi Raimondas

Thank you for the question!
I will do some research and testing on this end. If there is not a current option to disallow a slave report to be opened without using the master then I will create that enhancement for you.

-What version of yellowfin software are you currently using?

Thank you
Currently my customer is using YF20140923.

Thank you Raimondas

That build above is 7 or 7.1?

Either way I am testing now.

Hi Raimondas

I have done some research on what you are looking to do.

To hide the slave report do an edit on it and when you save the report you will see the following

Forum image

Turn off Browse Page.

Now you will not see that slave report on the browse page.
The only drawback is that If a person knows the name of the report then they could find it by searching on the browse page.

Also what I find is that this Turn off Browse Page must be set to Off again if you edit that slave report.

Let me know if this helps.

Thank you
Hi Mark,

The solution you have provided solves partly the problem.

The other issue remains if the report is embedded using drill through method. Are there possibility not to see hyper link to the embedded report as well?

P.s. I'm using YF 7.

Hi Raimondas,

Unfortunately you cannot remove the hyperlink for a drill based report. This also is something that is not planned, so no enhancement request will be created at this point in time.
As you can imagine, if you have setup a drill-through report, you do actually want to show the hyperlink and drill.

The only way to not have a hyperlink on your report is to not enable drill capabilities.

In your case, it sounds like you need 2 different reports;
-Drill report
-Non-drill report

Sorry for the bad news.

I would like to get back to the master/slave report issue. Would it be possible to consider such enhancement that slave reports could be executed only being inside master?

Hi Raimondas,

I actually think the ability to hide the report from the browse page will stop an end user from hitting the child report directly.

If they were clever they could get the report url from the info page, but you can always disable the report info page based on the user role using the role function :
'Hide Report Details (Report Menu)'

Please let me know if I've misunderstood what you're trying to achieve.
