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Webservice API and Java


I�m testing a Webservice API with Java based on Yellowfin guide (

But the code snipped doesn�t work because class AdministrationService doesn�t exist. Other classes are ok. (PS: a small error on class name "AdminstrationServiceRequest" -> "AdministrationServiceRequest")

Do you have a sample or code snipped compiling and working using yfws-.jar?

I�m tried generate a stubs class using wsimport (jdk) and axis2 (wsdl2java), but don�t work too:

wsimport http:///services/ReportService?wsdl

"Use of SOAP Encoding is not supported. SOAP extension element on line 1.531 in has use="encoded" "

wsdl2java.bat -uri http:///services/ReportService?wsdl

Caused by: org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompilationException: can not find type {}Array from the parent schema ReportBinaryObject

Thanks in advance!

We have lots of examples in the YellowfinDevelopment folder, which you should find useful.

However in terms of creating your own stubs, Yellowfin (as of 6.3) has services exposed by the JAX webservices library as well, but these need to be turned on. The JAX services provided modern SOAP services with WSDL that can be consumed by modern clients. I would recommend using JAX if you wish to generate your own stubs.

Please see the following post for more information on this:
How to enable JAX web services

Please let us know how you go with this.
