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Yellowfin 7.1 and Java version 7 to 8 upgrades : how to

Is there some kind of documentation available about the upgrade from Java 7 to 8 on Microsoft Windows Machines (while at april 2015 Java 7 won't be available on the Oracle downloads-sites anymore)

At a simple test (removing Java V7 and installing V8) it looked like i have to make a complete new installation of Yellowfin's Apache environment. The same looks to happen when changing from 32bits tot 64 bits JVM
Hi Peter,

I don't know how you did your test, but I just installed jre8-25 on my Windows 7 64-bit machine and didn't have to make a complete new installation of Yellowfin's Apache environment. All I did was update my catalina.bat file (appserverbin) so that the environment variable JRE_HOME pointed to the new JRE, and then YF started just as normal and seemed well-behaved (with the one exception of the missing jdbc:odbc bridge as explained in this other forum post)

I'm trying to think of what you might have done differently than me during the Java installation that caused the issue you experienced, and from memory I think the only choice given during the installation was whether or not to remove older versions of Java, I chose not to remove them. I guess if you chose to let the installer automatically remove all older Java installations, then if you didn't update your Catalina.bat file it would be pointing to a JRE that doesn't exist on your machine anymore. Is this possibly what happened?

If that isn't what occurred then could you please tell us all of the steps you undertook to install Java 8.

Hello Dave,

can i conclude that if i want (or have to) cleanup my Java-environments, the only thing i have to do is to change that one line in catalina.bat?

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Hi Peter,

yes, that's all I do when I need to switch between java versions. I think in older versions of YF that there was the JAVA_HOME variable also set in catalina.bat in which case you'd have to modify that as well.
