What’s Cool in Yellowfin 6.1? Watermarks and Report Markers

Having trouble differentiating between official company reports and those created on an ad-hoc or individual basis? Looking to add disclaimers to your reports? Need to define trusted sources in your Business Intelligence application? Luckily, Yellowfin has two great new features to solve these problems for you.

With the expansion of our Watermark and Report Marker functionality, you’re now able to define the purpose and statuses for both your public and private reports. And, according to the following snapshot, these features are definitely cool.

What’s Cool
What’s not cool
Polar Bears wearing aviators Global warming
Watermarks and Report Markers! Socks with sandals

Public and Private Watermarks

Watermarks have been present in Public Reports for a while now – they’re great for adding branding to charts. But, with the introduction of Private Report sharing (more details to come in the next ‘Notable Updates’ blog!), we identified the need for Watermarks in Private Reports too.

As a result, separate public and private images can now be uploaded to Yellowfin and utilized as Watermarks, allowing you to adorn your official charts with your company logo – or even add a cheeky ‘work in progress!’ stamp to your private charts! An example of Report Watermarks in action is displayed below.

Public and Private Markers

Additionally, Markers have been added in Yellowfin 6.1 to enhance the differentiation between Public and Private Reports. Markers also allow for extra text (such as a company disclaimer or slogan) to be added to a report. This text can then be set up in the configuration section of your report to reflect your companies’ style and colour scheme by adding HTML formatting.

In our example, we’ve colored our first line of text in red to emphasize the current status of the report. Any Markers added to a report will appear between the report title and the report description, as shown below.

With the expansion of Watermarks and Markers for reports, Yellowfin now allows you to configure your reports in more new and exciting ways.