Venn is it a good time?

For years now James “the chart guy” has been hassling me about Venn diagrams. Specificaly about all the power they they bring to analytics and data discovery.  Now I know you are thinking ‘Venn diagrams they are so cool’ – the colour transparency, the overlap of circles – just awesome. They are like a delicious Eton mess of charts only not as tasty.  

Firstly, I just want to be clear, the Eton mess is an amazing concoction and I have no issues with this dessert at all.  It’s the evil Venn diagram cousin that I have, or should I say had, issues with.  

Today was the day that all that changed.  Thanks to James I have finally seen the light and the deep analytic insight that these amazing data visualizations bring.  This morning James sent through a link for this little gem…


I think you will have to agree that venn diagrams are awesome!  Best of all we now all know the origin of the platypus and that crazy guitar keyboard thing that was so popular in the 80’s.

When will they find their way into Yellowfin’s chart builder you ask – not any time soon!