Yellowfin 7 analytics software to deliver deeper insight with multi-chart capability

Global Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics software vendor, Yellowfin, will introduce new multi-chart functionality in the latest version of its BI platform, Yellowfin 7. Yellowfin 7 will become generally available from Friday 20 December 2013.

Multi-chart capabilities enable deeper insight from multiple perspectives

Yellowfin’s new multi-chart capability – included as part of Yellowfin 7’s all-new content creation module – will allow users to create many charts from a single dataset, enabling fast data exploration and analysis from multiple perspectives.

“Significantly, this capability differs from that offered by other data visualization tools, which create a separate query for each visualization,” said Yellowfin CEO, Glen Rabie. “Architecturally, Yellowfin is quite different – it automatically aggregates on-the-fly to build its charts. What this means is, from an end-customer perspective, the performance is far faster because there’s only one query hitting the database for multiple visualizations. The ability to build multiple charts from a single data set will also significantly reduce report-authoring time. And importantly, deriving deeper multi-angled insights from a single dataset has never been faster or easier.”

New output canvas and custom widgets add context to data

Rabie explained that the vendor’s new output canvas, within Yellowfin 7’s overhauled report builder, would allow users to drag-and-drop multiple charts onto a single space and arrange them side-by-side to create a dashboard type experience for data consumers.

“Having conducted their multi-chart analysis, users can then add these multiple reports together to produce multi-chart reports – which can be thought of as mini dashboards,” said Rabie. “The charts and canvas itself can be easily resized, via drag-and-drop functionality, allowing users to create a customized view of their visualizations.”

Users will also be able to add a range of custom widgets to the output canvas, to provide additional context to selected data visualizations, including text, images, annotations and links to external content.

“The inclusion of additional widgets offers improved flexibility, empowering users to quickly add associated content to support a rich and deeply insightful user experience,” said Rabie.

Enhanced user help

Advanced help features assist users through each step of the content creation process, with tips outlining what types of data (dimensions and metrics), or fields, users need on the horizontal and vertical axis of their chart builder to underpin their desired visualization.

“Color-coded chart selection help also assists users to understand the types of data they need to support desired chart types, as well as choose appropriate visualizations to effectively display the information within the reports they’ve created,” said Rabie. “The help tips displayed automatically update depending on the fields selected by the user.”

Auto-chart feature to support fast and accurate content creation

Yellowfin’s new auto-chart feature also provides a guided user experience by instantly visualizing selected data via an automatically selected chart type.

“This feature builds the chart automatically for the user, based on the dataset provided,” said Rabie. “Instantaneous visualization of data selections enables users to see the result of their actions immediately, and attain instant insight.”

Rich formatting controls

Enhanced formatting controls make reporting content easier to configure for mass distribution, helping customers keep their content consistent with corporate styling demands. Chart formatting, labeling and other content styling functions can be selected via a single menu panel and applied with a single click.

Yellowfin 7 will become generally available from Friday 20 December 2013.

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About Yellowfin

Yellowfin is a global Business Intelligence (BI) and analytics software vendor passionate about making BI easy. Yellowfin is headquartered and developed in Melbourne, Australia, offering a highly intuitive 100 percent Web-based reporting and analytics solution. Founded in 2003 in response to the complexity and costs associated with implementing and using traditional BI tools, Yellowfin is a leader in mobile, collaborative and embeddable BI as well as Location Intelligence and data visualization. For more information, visit

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