Yellowfin Evaluation Guide

Yellowfin is used for both enterprise analytics and embedded analytics use cases and for building bespoke analytical applications. Use this guide to ensure Yellowfin is the right technical fit for your requirements.

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What Can I Build?

  • What Can I Build?

    Updated 15 June 2020

    What kind of data apps can I build with Yellowfin?

    With Yellowfin, you can build a wide range of data, event-driven, and adjacent applications for all kinds of industries, regardless of complexity, performance, or scale.

    There are basically three types of data driven apps that you can build in Yellowfin.

    1. Data Apps. Think highly sophisticated dashboards with continuously updated data. These may have operational workflows embedded in them to enable users to update 3rd party applications.
    2. Point in time Stories. Explain changes and or provide an update. Like a data journalism article – build a complete story about a subject area or an event.
    3. Live Stories that keep you up-to-date about a particular event. This would be used where you are tracking an event over a period of time and what to provide users with updated data, and explanations as events unfold.

    Can my app be a ‘stand-alone’ application?

    Yes, with Yellowfin you can build applications that look and behave like stand-alone applications. Not only can you white label and rebrand them and sell them as your own solution, but by limiting functional access to users to the rest of Yellowfin’s capabilities or by using custom navigation you create your own bespoke navigation around your application.

    You can also host and deliver your application as a service to your clients. Giving you full control of the end-user experience.

    Further Reading:

    Read about rebranding here

    Read about application integration here