Yellowfin Evaluation Guide

Yellowfin is used for both enterprise analytics and embedded analytics use cases and for building bespoke analytical applications. Use this guide to ensure Yellowfin is the right technical fit for your requirements.

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Restyling & White Labeling

  • Overview

    Updated 24 December 2020

    There are multiple reasons that you may want to restyle or white label analytics solutions such as Yellowfin. These include:

    1. Embedding into your own software
    2. Deploying stand alone analytical applications
    3. Mirror your corporate branding for enterprise deployments

    By restyling the application, you increase user engagement and adoption by providing custom analytics with a seamless user experience.

  • White Labeling

    Can I rebrand the Yellowfin interface?
    Yes, you can. Yellowfin makes it very simple to rebrand and white label the application. This is all done via dropping in logo images, changing CSS as well as administration defaults. No coding required. This makes it easy for you to OEM business intelligence into your application seamlessly.

    Which parts of the application can I customize?
    Yellowfin can be rebranded to allow you to maintain the organizational feel between it and other corporate documents and systems. The corporate branding colors, fonts, logos, images and links become the visible aspects of the site that can integrate seamlessly with an OEM application.

    The components in Yellowfin that can be style and customized include:

    • Login Page
    • Header
    • Footer
    • Images
    • CSS
    • Reports, Charts and Dashboards

    Can I rebrand the installer?

    The Yellowfin installer can be customized to match your organization’s corporate theme. The installer supports three modes of operation; Standard Graphical Installer, Command-line installer and the silent installer each of these have various customization options.

    For further reading, please visit: Customizing your own Yellowfin Installer.


  • Sub-branding

    Sub Branding allows the same installation of Yellowfin to have multiple styles applied to it depending on who is accessing the application. It’s main use case is in multi-tenant applications where each tenant needs to have its own brand displayed.

    I host an application with multiple tenants, can I provide a unique brand experience for each tenant?

    When configured to use multi-tenancy you are able to define tenant specific style sheets and images. This allows you to provide a customized experience for each client organization.